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비빔밥 빨강냉국수 산채비빔밥 송어회덮밥 Korean food

nvnlee 2020. 2. 21. 12:12
비빔밥 Bibimbap Korean rice bowl dish
bi bim bap or bi bim bop, is a Korean rice dish. The term "bibim" means mixing various ingredients, while the "bap" noun refers to rice.

국수 빨강냉국수 Noodles are a type of food made from unleavened dough which is rolled flat and cut, stretched or extruded, into long strips or strings. Noodles can be refrigerated for short-term storage or dried and stored for future use.

 산채비빔밥 송어회덮밥 한정식 Korean table d'hôte, called han-jeongsik (한정식; 韓定食) in Korean, is a Korean-style full-course meal characterized by the array of small banchan plates in varied colours.
